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Kensington Security Slot

Lock Clearance Specifications and Electrical Considerations

The Laptop MicroSaver has an interference volume inside the computer equipment it secures. There should not be any electrical components adjacent to the slot, and the MicroSaver product should never be in contact with any electrical components.

Kensington Security Slot Orientation and Specifications

The Kensington MicroSaver Security cable has no cable orientation--the cable is attached to a ring, which can spin and thus can be located very near the external features of your product. Slot placement can be either vertical or horizontal.

This page is a resource for designers and engineers who are working to give customers the best options for physical security of computer and electronic equipment. Kensington encourages OEMs to continue to adopt the Kensington Security Slot and identify it on their hardware using the K & Lock® design. You'll find here the information to build the Kensington Security Slot into your hardware, thus providing the industry's standard security feature to your customers.


  1. Interpret dimensions and tolerances per ASME Y14.5M-1994.
  2. All indicated dimensions are in millimeters. Indicated volume to be left free and clear of obstructions. Cable ring can rotate 360 degrees with respect to hole.

If you need more information about the Kensington Security Slot Specifications, please email: